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If you own a Rough or Smooth Collie or a Shetland Sheepdog, come find us on Facebook and join in the fun. Join Today

About Colliewobbles

Colliewobbles was established in 2014 and is a social, dog-walking group for owners of Rough Collies, Smooth Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs. Meeting at least once a month, members of Colliewobbles catch up with their dogs for a walk and a chat. The group originally started to help socialise rescue dogs with dogs of the same breed. The idea of bringing similar dogs together for socialising and play grew bigger and bigger with each year and has become a lively community of like-minded dog owners.

Anyone who owns one of these beautiful breeds is welcome to join our monthly walks and our group on Facebook, where we post additional events, photos, news and more.

Benefits of Colliewobbles


Your dog gets to socialise with a range of other dogs and learn to interact and play within a group safely, all while making plenty of new friends.


Not only is it fun for the dogs, the walks are also great for their health and well-being. We have dogs of all ages and abilities, so you can be sure you won't be left behind.


You will be surrounded by a wealth of knowledge as many owners have had collies and shelties their whole lives, and are always happy to share their stories and experience.

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